new york times magazine cover

Will someone please remind me to pick up a copy of the New York Times next Sunday? The NYT Magazine, which is already available online, will be devoted to the events of this week, and it looks like it’ll be something I’ll want to archive and get back to every now and again. Something I particularly like is the cover (the picture to the right), which is a proposed light sculpture to occupy the space of the Towers until something is rebuilt there.


That is an absolutely beautiful idea…

Thanks for sharing it with us. Not being in NYC, and not being a NYTm subscriber, I would never have come across it. It’s awe-inspiring.

• Posted by: Vis10n on Sep 17, 2001, 10:59 AM

I was surprised to see this, as I had almost the exact same idea. See my page, with pictures and an animation, at

• Posted by: Robert Wolsey on Sep 21, 2001, 1:29 PM
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