I'm Jason, and this is QDN.
It's my first attempt to share the sometimes-appropriate (usually-inappropriate), rarely-influential, always-honest thoughts that come to me throughout the day. For the most part, I keep Q going for myself -- it's the place where I can vent, talk about things that I've done, tell stories, put my pictures, and keep tabs on the things that interest me from day to day. (For example, the first family member of mine to find out about Q did so over a year after I started things here.)
As for who I am, that's easy -- I'm the middle child of three, a once-bashful-now-proud cat owner, the president and owner of Queso Technologies, a doctor, a pediatrics hematology/oncology fellow in Boston, Massachusetts, an occasional employee of a large magazine company in NYC, and sometimes I sleep. If you've spent any amount of time reading here, you already know that I'm pretty damn smitten by my wife, Shannon; in addition to her, my friends, our families, my patients, our two cats, my jazz collection, and our computers make me a very happy person. And sharing a full floor of a traditional Brookline triple-decker with Shannon makes me very, very lucky.
On and off, I've been programming ever since I knew my name. Much later in life, I figured out that I couldn't ask for a better life than to become a pediatrician, and eventually I followed the path into pediatric blood and cancer disorders. Now, I am feeling my way around trying to meld the two lives into one, and it looks like there are some really good opportunities out there.
Please feel free to let me know what you think.
(And if you enjoy mailing unwanted crap to people who don't want it, check this out.)