This weekend, I discovered Chuck Musciano’s Tag of the Week column on WebReview, and it’s a great find. He’s been writing it since January 1998, and for the past ten months, he’s been covering every single CSS topic imaginable. This week’s column (on the clear and display elements) is the last on CSS; next week, he starts looking at XHTML.

Oh wow oh wow oh wow — PEZ!!! I’ve never seen the Simpsons Pez dispensers, or the Kermit one. Memories, memories.

Proof of Matt’s Iron Giant has finally arrived. You’re doing the right thing, Matt — free the Giant and have a robot fight with Meg!

What an amazing, amazing column on the linguistic inadequacies of Dubya (“President Jabberwocky”), and why they disqualify him from running the United States.

Every sentence is an adventure. Will he reach the end of it? What fiendish grammar monsters and vocabulary mutants are waiting to trip him up? Curious George Loses his Synapses. I honestly think that once the man starts a sentence, he’s forgotten exactly what he’s said by the time he’s three or four words into it.

I also find it amazing that Mike doesn’t recognize the difference between a person running for President of the United States and a person who maintains a personal weblog. Oh, and if you want to pick hairs, Mike, the second bit you quote is a typo, not a grammatical error, and I’m sure you’ll find more of them here on Q, just as you will find both on (“wihtout”) your (“Amercan”) own (“if a sure-fire recipe”, first paragraph) site (split infinitive “to even make”, third paragraph). (Thanks for pointing my errors out, though; they’re fixed.)

My last contribution to this silliness, since I tire of it quickly: I have never said that Bush’s grammar is the mark of his idiocy — it is one mark, a confirmatory piece of evidence, if you will. (Other bits of evidence exist, as well, and my feeling is that they all add up to a scary package.) And I am perfectly willing to be judged by my own standard — I hereby proclaim that my typos and grammatical errors should be used against me if I ever run for President. Hell, I’ll even host a website detailing them.

Remember the potato-powered webserver? It was a hoax.

The worst-case scenario is coming true for Oregon’s new law that forces open adoption and birth records. Patrick Niiranen killed his adoptive parents — bludgeoned them to death with a sledgehammer — and has now requested the original records to identify his birth mother. The Oregon law has no exceptions that will prevent the release of the information.

One thing that bothers me about this is that the courts and authorities claim that their hands are tied in cases like this, where the information being released is about an ordinary citizen, but when it comes to releasing information about judges, they drag their feet, use every stall tactic in the book, and then overtly break the law by refusing release of the information. At least to me, it’s clear that releasing information about Niiranen’s birth mother is much more dangerous than releasing information about whether a judge has ruled in a case in which he or she has a financial stake; maybe it’s just me.


I feel truly scared about GWB. I don’t like negative ads in politics, but you know, if this issue could be brought close to the spotlight, I think it would really be worth it.

Put him on the Millionaire show, against Gore (or Pauly Shore, whoever). Will Dubya even get to the $500 question?

Would he have known the answer to the $100 question, “what do you say to dogs to make them pull the dog sled?” (Mush, Hush, Shush, and some other silly answer)

I doubt it.


• Posted by: Jim Roepcke on Jun 4, 2000, 3:31 PM

Clearly, I agree with you. He is the personification of the American tendency to love image at the expense of all else (as, in many ways, was Clinton).

It appears that this isn’t an issue that will require negative ads… the press is doing enough to bring it into the spotlight. Slate’s Bushism of the Week is a great example of this.


• Posted by: Jason Levine on Jun 4, 2000, 4:02 PM

The worst-case scenario is coming true for Oregon’s new law that forces open adoption and birth records…

Yeah, this has been a sore spot for Oregonians. The vote on this legislation was close, and folks are pretty deeply divided. The folks who supported it said the the Law Of Unintended Consequences would find only trivial problems.

Once again I am afraid the wishful thinkers are going to find out how wrong they can be.

• Posted by: Alwin Hawkins on Jun 4, 2000, 4:51 PM
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