For those of you who are into such things, the CDC has a new set of growth charts available, and Austin Physician Productivity has already turned them into an app for your PalmPilot so you can instantly calculate percentiles for kids in your care.

If anyone finds one of these, I hereby declare that you must send it to me. I want it.

I agree with Gary Kaufman — it’s time to let Shoeless Joe into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Other players, with better evidence of game fixing, are in the HoF (e.g., Ty Cobb); Jackson’s performance, both over his career and in the Series that he was accused of fixing, definitely deserves recognition.

Uh oh — Julie, the Mormon girl on the Real World: New Orleans, is getting expelled from Brigham Young; it appears that her behavior on the show violated all kinds of school rules. Sucks for her, but she knew the rules…

I pointed to a few of Slate’s Diary series this past week, and have been working through most of them myself. When I got through Ben Stein’s entries, though, I almost had to vomit — I actually was a fan of his until I read them. He’s insufferable… he constantly talks about how much money he has, how many houses he has, how much power he commands, blah blah blah. Just shut the f!%* up!


> it appears that her behavior on the show violated all kinds of

> school rules. Sucks for her, but she knew the rules…

I’m not actually sure she knew she was violating the school’s honor code. I graduated from BYU in 1994 and I don’t think I realized that they expected non-enrolled students to be subject to the honor code. I suppose technically the summer I was home with a beard (BYU has a no facial hair policy as part of the honor code) I was in violation.

• Posted by: Tyler Pruett on Jun 19, 2000, 6:23 PM
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