Happiness, happiness, it looks like Tim Duncan may be staying with the San Antonio Spurs. Now if they can only get past the first round of the playoffs next season…

This could not make me happier.

It’s pretty sad that financial motives are the factor that is causing some doctors to start listening to their patients and exhibiting compassion.

Getting totally swept up in the whirlwind, I ordered the first Harry Potter book yesterday. (If nothing else, I will have something else to talk to my patients about in clinic.)

Unfortunately, it’s too common a theme today — write an article that expresses your own personal feelings about Microsoft, Linux, the Mac, whatever, and get slammed by fervent zealots who disagree with you. After writing a letter to his legislator, Dan Budiac is learning that lesson.

Kenji Yoshino, Yale Law professor, has a thought-provoking article in Writ about the troubling loophole that has been created in anti-discrimination law by the Supreme Court in their decision to allow the Boy Scouts to ban gay members.

The father of the youth hockey game that beat another man to death is pleading innocent to the charge. This story doesn’t explain what his argument is in pleading innocent; from the stories I’ve read, there are oodles of witnesses that watched Thomas Junta hit Michael Costin in the head, killing him.

I admit it, I really want to see Scary Movie.

There’s been quite a lot of screenspace given to the failed dot-com, Toysmart.com, and their plan to try to sell their customer database even though their privacy policy (while in business) specifically forbade sharing that information. Today, the Federal Trade Commission filed suit against Toysmart.com, trying to prevent the sale of the information. Even though I didn’t ever buy from Toysmart.com, in the name of contractual obligations to privacy, I’m happy to see the FTC stepping in here. (And I learned from this article that the actual people responsible for trying to violate the privacy of all those ex-customers is Disney, the now-owner of Toysmart.com’s assets.)