Back in August, I pointed to a Writ piece about how the Twelfth Amendment could prohibit the Bush/Cheney ticket, or at least prohibit the Texas Electoral College delegates from voting for Bush/Cheney. (The Amendment prohibits Electors from casting votes for a ticket which contains two members from the same state as the Electors.) Today, Lawrence Caplan, a lawyer in Florida who’s fed up with Bush’s tactics in that state, filed a Federal lawsuit questioning Texas’ votes for Bush/Cheney. This could get interesting; if Bush were to lose those 32 votes, then the outcome of Florida would be meaningless, and we’d be congratulating President Gore.

The other interesting thing is that the Republicans could very well be forced into a position of defending an antiquated and silly part of the Constitution (the Electoral College, and its ability to swing differently than the popular vote) while fighting another antiquated and silly part of the Constitution (the Twelfth Amendment’s proscription against Electors voting for two delegates from the same state). Then again, Dubya passed a law mandating manual recounts in Texas, yet is fighting manual recounts in Florida, so it wouldn’t surprise me one lick.

Shocking! The Harlem Globetrotters, erstwhile showboats and owners of the longest “winning streak” in basketball, lost a game yesterday to Michigan State! It’s like someone decked the clown.

Peter has used eQuill to mark up the county-by-county map of how the election turned out. What a cool way to share information… has anyone else replied with their own marked-up map?

There’s a service pack out to Internet Explorer 5.5, which seems to be stable (at least in my use). Microsoft’s got a list of the fixes; to download it, use Windows Update.

A product and a service which both demonstrate why the dot-com frenzy has died down: a web browser that displays six pages simultaneously, as walls of a cube, and a service that tries to map the entire web onto the continent of Antarctica. I can’t imagine why either exist… is there someone who can’t figure out how to have six browser windows open? Someone who sees the natural logic of inflicting a geographical construct (based on a continent nobody is familiar with, too!) upon the Web? I just don’t get it.

Netscape 6 is finally out… and still has problems, the same ones that I reported to the Mozilla group throughout the beta that they didn’t fix. And while I’m typing this in, I’m getting a horizontal scrollbar despite the TEXTAREA having wrap set to “soft.” All this was discovered in the first two minutes of me using it; I wonder what else I’ll discover when I have time tonight to delve deeper…

OK, another Netscape 6 thing: it still refuses to connect to my HTTPS WebMail server. Does anyone out there know why? I’d love to know… it doesn’t give an error message, nothing, it just stops trying to load.

(I also wonder if Neale has seen the way that wetlog looks in Netscape 6? Alas, I see he has.)