It always has to get worse before it can get better. Now, it has come out that the mother that I mentioned yesterday did not have legal custody of any of her children, due to prior incidents of abuse and neglect. The twins were supposed to be living with an aunt in Virginia, and authorities here don’t know how they came to be back with their mother; in fact, social services stopped tracking them in December of 1999, satisfied that their placement down south had gone successfully. Now, one is dead, and I’m sure that there are a few city agencies that wish that they could turn back the clock a little bit.


Oh how I wish SS wouldn’t adhere so much to the saying of “Out of sight, out of mind”, but I have seen it too many times and it’s always the kids who is losing the game :( I used to work in the system when I was still living in Denmark (just as bad there), but my heart got broken too many times because I couldn’t do what was needed for them so now I’m looking to do something else.

• Posted by: Sara on Nov 16, 2001, 12:38 AM
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