This weekend was my first one off in a long time, and I had a great time hanging out in New York. Alaina came to town, and she, Anil, Shannon, and I all went to see Monsters, Inc. again (with the outtakes!), eat smores for four, try out a cool Lower East Side hangout, watch Iron Chef (and the worst movie known to mankind), see [Macro error: Can’t evaluate the expression because the name “newsSite” hasn’t been defined.] The Tree, and generally [Macro error: Can’t evaluate the expression because the name “newsSite” hasn’t been defined.] be dorks together. Christmastime in New York is so much fun, and it’s even more fun when you have [Macro error: Can’t evaluate the expression because the name “newsSite” hasn’t been defined.] cool people to share it with.


What was wrong with the Last Seduction? I thought it was a great movie. Deliciously nasty noir….

• Posted by: John on Dec 11, 2001, 10:41 AM

hey - did you ever get my email about that mcDonalds Randall character. (I realize now that I had emailed you from my Hotmail account which has been misbehaving recently) He’s still here if you want me to send him to you. Email me your address and he’ll be on his way!

• Posted by: Jennifer on Dec 14, 2001, 6:28 PM
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