So, there’s been a small wouldn’t-even-conflate-it-to-a-redesign here tonight; it was inspired by being very tired, but knowing that if I went to sleep early, I’d wake up at 3 AM totally wired. Of course, there are a few issues still outstanding:

  • I think that I want to make the background a nice neutral gray — #CCCCCC, to those of you in the know — but two opinions tell me it’s a no-go. So meanwhile, I borrowed Tigerbunny’s background, which looks pretty nice.
  • Why does Mozilla put a few pixels of extra space below the logo at the top right? I’ve already spent more time than I care to admit trying to fix it; I need to do a smidgen more research, and then maybe I’ll file a bug report. Another Mozilla oddity — the non-collapsed borders around the logo and in the calendar and membership box — seems to already have been reported.
  • I’m sorta going to miss the big background Q; I’m already wondering how to incorporate something resembling it into this layout.

I mean, really, Garrett — could you be any more useful? I used the display: block; solution, and it’s perfect.

I owe you a drink.

• Posted by: Jason Levine on Feb 21, 2002, 11:46 PM
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