How can it be possible that it’s been under a year since I bought my Coolpix 995, and yet I already have camera envy? This new bad boy looks great; I agree with Derek, though, that the greenish stripe on the front is a bit wimpy. Won’t stop me from craving one, though…


Jason, have you checked out the D1x yet? If you want to just envy something, why not go all out? ;-) The feature I really wish I had is a TTL viewfinder - I have a hard time getting macro shots composed properly…

• Posted by: dave dobbs on Jun 3, 2002, 8:14 PM

I’m starting to salivate for the Nikon 5700. But I want to do big prints! Waiting, waiting for the real reviews to come in.

Could someone hand me a towel while I wait?

• Posted by: Jeff on Jun 4, 2002, 9:48 AM
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