Why did I never know that Leslie Harpold (of hoopla.com fame) is a Manhattanite? She wrote a fantastic tale for The Morning News yesterday detailing the way that New Yorkers hoarde information about experts-for-hire (painters, plumbers) and their shops. I can’t tell you how happy it made me to see one of the things I like most about New York described so perfectly; anyone who has spent even a year in this city has enjoyed the furtive delight of getting a name of the perfect apartment broker or housecleaner, and the angst of deciding which of their friends deserves also being let in on the secret.


This doesn’t just happen in NYC. Word-of-mouth is the new (and often best) broadcast medium!

• Posted by: Jeff on Jun 13, 2002, 10:16 AM

I’ve been here a while Jason - I left Michigan for New York shortly after college. And in this town, you can read all the web sites you want, but the best service professionals almost always take sleuthing, luck or both to locate.

• Posted by: leslie on Jun 14, 2002, 9:02 PM
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