Merlin has the best dissection I’ve read of the newly-discovered, lunatic, no-linking-without-permission policy over at National Public Radio. Marek has compiled a few links of other peoples’ responses to the policy, most of which highlight that NPR has yet to reply to anyone who has requested permission with decisions.

And a sidenote for Derek, posted here because his entry doesn’t have comments enabled: no, it’s not up to NPR to decide whether or not I can link to their content. The fundamental flaw in your question — “Shouldn’t they have the right to ask how it gets used?” — is that I’m linking to their material, not using their material. Do you think they asked Tammy Faye’s permission before posting this? Or Science magazine’s permission before talking about its global warming study? I can’t imagine that they did, because they’re not republishing it, they’re discussing it, something that’s allowed (and that one would think NPR would encourage).


Dude. Read what I said again. I’m not talking about permission to link to a web page. I’m drawing out the difference between linking and framing.

• Posted by: Derek on Jun 20, 2002, 9:10 PM

Also? I said they have the right to ASK, not to decide. You, then, have the right to respect their wishes or not - it’s up to you.

• Posted by: Derek on Jun 20, 2002, 9:28 PM

Ah! I hadn’t drawn the framing-vs-linking comment from three paras prior down there, but now I get it. Cool.

• Posted by: Jason Levine on Jun 20, 2002, 11:10 PM
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