stylecam blink

I just got my latest toy, a StyleCam Blink, made by SiPix. It’s the littlest digital camera you’ve ever seen — less than two inches square — and has a 0.3 megapixel CCD (that’s 640x480) with enough built-in memory for around 100 images at that resolution. It’ll also take a rapid series of pictures and assemble them into an AVI, and will function as a webcam when connected to your computer. Best yet, it’s under $40, which is what made me give in and buy one for playing around. Fun fun!


How do the pictures on this compare to the Logitech Pocket, I wonder?

• Posted by: notbrain on Aug 19, 2002, 12:06 PM

Well, it fucked up today, and out of my 20 pictures, I got two of them downloaded; the rest were totally black. The battery was on the fritz, though, so I think I need to just put a new battery in and play a bit.

• Posted by: Jason on Aug 19, 2002, 8:09 PM
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