Finally, the issue of unsolicited email and website customer information privacy (or lack thereof) makes it into the New York Times, but only because the incident in question intersects with a more sensational issue, Holocaust revisionism. Writer and photoblogger David Gallagher wrote the article after he received an unsolicited, revisionist email to an address he had used once and only once while hunting for a roommate; he provides a little more information on his own website about what his research uncovered, as well as the actions taken against him by the author of the mail once the article was made public.


Thanks for the links, Jason. I actually think the NYT has been pretty good on the spam issue. I know that I’ve done a string of little stories for them that were inspired by unwelcome visitors to my in-box, like this and this and this. It might be time for a big-picture look, however.

• Posted by: David on Jan 21, 2003, 1:31 PM
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