I’ve been underwater in the bone marrow transplant unit for the past week, and as a result, I’ve been mostly offline. As a means of catching myself up, here are a few things other people have taken note of in the past few days that interest me:

That’s it for now…


Re: PBA bill press show

You don’t sound like you are new to politics, so wouldn’t you be able to spot a photo op for politicians when it is right in front of you?

Saving the lives of the unborn is still remarkable with or without a single woman on the stage. Perhaps the women in the Congress are much more indictitive of the average american hero that shuns the spotlight in favor of the comfort and kindness of the actual people that may help.

I got a chance to speak to Senator Elizabeth Dole in person about abortion when during the 1996 campaign. She told me that she doesn’t like to revel in her accomplishments. She told me she never saves any of the articles applauding her actions, but instead she saves the letters from sent to her by the people that she really touched in her life.

For the sake of cynicism, can we please acknowleged “politics as usual” when it’s politics as usual.

Also, it’s considered bad form for former Presidents to involve themselves as a staffer on campaigns after they have left the oval office. Speeches are good enough and Clinton is a damn good speaker. It’s too bad though that lately when Clinton campaigns for someone he or she loses their race.

Cheers. I found your site via Wifinetnews.com.

• Posted by: axiom on Nov 11, 2003, 1:31 PM

Scott Sforza is my cousin and I resent all of the bad publicity he gets, inclusive of yours!!!
Scott is a super guy and brighter than any of you lunks will ever be. Mike Dunn

• Posted by: Mike Dunn on Jul 16, 2004, 8:09 PM
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