It looks like the time is (finally) just around the corner when I’ll be able to order photo prints from Flickr! (I don’t think I’m going too far out on a limb saying that this photo provides the not-so-subtle hint Qoop will be providing the printing services.) I love Flickr to death, and am generally unfazed by downloading high-res versions of pictures I like and printing them on our home inkjet. But the lack of a click-print-and-ship service has been the one thing that’s stood in the way of me converting friends to the goodness of Flickr — a good half of the people I coax into joining look at me, say “but how do I order prints?”, and leave for the safety of Ofoto Kodak EasyShare Gallery. It’s not too surprising that being able to order prints is the killer app of the online photo industry, and soon, Flickr will be on the same playing field as the big boys.