If you’re one of the people who reads this site in an honest-to-goodness web browser window (rather than a syndication aggregator), then you’ve probably noticed that I went and redesigned things around here. The last time I went and did that was in February of 2002, so that would explain why I’ve been feeling that my layout was a bit stale. Welcome to the 2006 version of Q Daily News… and keep your eyes peeled around mid-2010 for the next iteration!
A few notes on the design:
- Given that the title and navigation never felt intuitive to me over in a bar along the right, I moved it all up to the top. Not really rocket science, but it certainly went a long way towards making the site feel right to me.
- Over the past year or two, I’ve been trying to use categories when I write posts, if only to help gather similar subjects together on category pages. Of course, I never exposed any of this to viewing through the site (for reasons having more to do with laziness than difficulty), so I fixed that wrong. Likewise, I decided to make entry titles a little more prominent; they used to be visible only on each post’s individual archive page, but now they’re above each entry on the main page and on the monthly and category archive pages.
- Over the past few years, I’ve been squirreling content away in various publicly-accessible web services (like the photo archive Flickr, and the bookmark storage site del.icio.us), something that always made me feel like I was competing with my own weblog. Rather than stop using the web services, it made more sense to me to bring that content back to QDN… so now you’ll see a few content areas in the righthand sidebar that weren’t there before, including the last three pictures I’ve uploaded to Flick, and the last five bookmarks I’ve posted to del.icio.us.
- What you’ll see is now missing from the sidebar is a list of links (a blogroll, as it were); I found that my old link list rapidly got crusty as people shuttered their sites, moved URLs, or generally fell off the web. I’m tinkering with a few ideas about how to add it back and make it more current, so we’ll see what comes of that.
- I used Tim Appnel’s mt-archive-dateheader plugin and a bit of PHP reprocessing to revamp the archive page. The long, thin list of links to month-by-month archives was always just on the barely-tolerable side of acceptable to me; at least displaying them within year blocks seems a bit more logical.
- I was within micrometers of doing away with all TrackBack functionality (given that my last valid TrackBack was sent back in September), but I decided that the spam-filtering code in Movable Type 3.2 makes TrackBacks low-cost enough to keep around for a little while longer. I did tinker around with how they’re gathered and displayed on entry pages, though, which will make it easier to just abandon all TrackBack functionality if that’s what I ultimately decide.
Well, well. It certainly looks brighter and cleaner than it did before, not that it looked horribly cluttered and dark in the past or anything like that. I’m glad I took the time to click the entry link from my feed reader. =)
Oh, and “hi”, since this is as good a time as any to participate in National De-Lurking Week.
• Posted by: GreyDuck on Jan 11, 2006, 6:41 PMThat floating-width template is about as good as I’ve seen. Mind if I borrow it?
• Posted by: Charles on Jan 12, 2006, 12:18 AMOf course not!
• Posted by: Jason on Jan 12, 2006, 6:41 AMNifty!
• Posted by: TheBradIs the background supposed to be grey or white (or some other color)? I see grey, but I have my browser set to ‘Use system colors’ = false (which is not the default, I think). I’m a software quality assurance engineer, so I always undo that. I find that a lot of sites think they have a white background, but only because they’ve never tested with the same settings as me.
• Posted by: Stan TaylorI kind of miss the old comfortable layout, but this certainly is more snazzy. Looks great!
• Posted by: Minda on Jan 12, 2006, 6:51 PMNice look - but the revised color scheme gives the slight feel of those who started wearing burnt orange the day after the Rose Bowl.
Let me know when you’ve come up with a successor to your blogroll.
• Posted by: mikewas