This is really, really cool: an animated NYC subway map, with the lines and stations appearing in the order in which they were built. It’s amazing to me that the West Side IRT — what are now known as the 1/2/3 lines — were built way before lines in lower Manhattan, at a time when lower Manhattan probably had a crushingly greater need for a subway line; it wasn’t until later that the IRT was extended down into the lower reaches of the island. (It’s also cool that two lines in Brooklyn started it all.)
It’s too bad that it doesn’t show subway lines that were there that went away… It would be interesting to see the elevated lines appear and disappear.
• Posted by: Sam Greenfield on Sep 7, 2007, 10:48 AMI think you underestimate Brooklyn. As a former resident, I knew people who would walk across bridges to get on the train. They love trains.
• Posted by: Jose Consuelos on Sep 9, 2007, 5:09 PMIt would have been a nice touch if he added the years each addition took place.
• Posted by: Jeff