The New York Times ran an awesome article last week about how Big Papi (more formally known as David Ortiz, the designated hitter for the Boston Red Sox) spends most of his time during games reviewing every pitch of the opposing pitcher, as well as all his at bats against the pitcher (from the game in progress and every other game in which they’ve faced each other). Far from the hulking bear that he appears to be, Ortiz is apparently a total nerd when it comes to using technology to improve his batting — unsurprising, since I’ve actually had the chance to meet Big Papi twice, and both times he displayed a knack for being the exact opposite of every stereotype you could possibly muster about him. I think it’s safe to say that while I’m a Yankees fan through and through, I’m also a pretty huge David Ortiz fan, and the fact that he spends his between-bats time shuttling through a video-on-demand system makes me like him even more. (via Jason)