I’m overall pretty happy about the release of Firefox 3, but am I the only one who’s seeing sporadic issues on Macs? On my iMac (2.1 GHz PowerPC G5), it’s painfully slow, so slow that I’ve started using Safari as my primary web browser. And on my MacBook Pro (Intel Core 2 Duo), I’ve had at least a dozen instances in the past three or four days where, during the loading of a tab, I get the spinning rainbow beachball of death and have to force-quit the app.
I second the spinning beachball of death followed by force quit. Happens all too often on my MacBook as well.
• Posted by: Aaron on Jul 3, 2008, 9:53 AMJason, I’ve had no problems with Firefox 3.0 on two Macbooks and two older Windows machines. I see thread about something similar on the Mozilla forums but no help is provided. I assume you have done all the standard troubleshooting stuff
FYI, your OpenID installation doesn’t seem to work with what should be valid OpenID URLs. Yahoo reports that you have an older OpenID setup that Yahoo won’t work with because it is less secure.
• Posted by: Grant Barrett on Jul 3, 2008, 10:28 AMJason, I don’t have slowness issues, but FF3 is pretty crashtastic for me.
• Posted by: Geof F. MorrisI haven’t had any speed or crash issues, running on a variety of Macs and MacBooks, both PowerPC and Intel.
• Posted by: TheBrad on Jul 3, 2008, 12:20 PMditto, OpenID login failed.
I’ve had no real problems with crashes or slowness using FF3 on my MBP. I live in it all day and rarely restart it since i never shutdown the mac.
I am running Flash Player 9.0.124 .. a version i finally found that would keep FF2 from crashing too often.
• Posted by: James E. Robinson, III on Jul 3, 2008, 12:55 PM